Happy National Dog Month from all of us at Serenity Zone!

Dogs have been an essential part of human lives since the beginning of recorded history and continue to have many roles today – as companions and in public service. August has been recognized as National Dog Month in the US since 2020 and International Dog Day is currently celebrated worldwide on August 26. Here at Serenity Zone, we are the proud dog parents of quite a few dogs who are, without a doubt, full fledged family members. They meet us with enthusiasm and curiosity every time we enter a room. They provide excellent (and non-interrupting) listening ears. They are there with kisses, hugs, and snuggles whenever we need them. So much so, that for all our therapists that are pup parents, our dogs have become a quintessential part of our own mental health and self-care routines. In honor of National Dog Month, we thought we’d share with you some great ways to incorporate your own fur baby into your self-care and coping strategies:

  1. Mindfulness Walks: Taking your dog for a walk can be a great opportunity for you to disconnect from the day-to-day for a short time and connect with both nature and your furry friend. Take the opportunity of your pet’s walk to notice the environment around you with all your senses. Listen to the music of life that’s all around you – perhaps the birds singing or the wind blowing the leaves and branches. Feel the sunshine on your skin or the moisture in the air on one of those humid summer days. Take a deep breath – maybe you’ll smell the flowers blooming, some fresh cut grass, or something delicious that’s being prepared in the restaurant nearby. If your mind starts to wander back to the work or worries you have at home, acknowledge that, and then try to let it go and re-focus on all the sensory inputs around you.

  2. Be Still: Dogs spend an average of 50% of their day sleeping and another 30% resting. There’s something incredibly relaxing about watching a sleeping or resting dog but you can really amplify the effect if you connect with your pup in a resting moment. This can work well even if you’re having a “hot moment” and can take as little as a minute to make an impact. Simply sit or lie down with your pet, look deeply into their eyes, and match the cadence of your breathing to theirs. That’s it. Try it for a minute. Or five. So simple and yet so effective!

  3. The Healing Touch: Studies have shown that simply petting your dog (or cat, bunny, hamster – whatever furry friend you share your life with) can reduce your anxiety and depression levels by increasing your dopamine and reducing your cortisol. (Which is just a fancy way of saying that a snuggle with your pet increases your happiness hormones and reduces the bad ones!) Touch is also one of the strongest ways that humans create bonds. So why not make that connection with your furry friend even stronger while also helping your overall mood? Find a comfy spot and invite your favorite pooch to sit with you for a spell. You can pet them or simply just soak in the warmth of their body next to yours - as long as you are present with them in the moment!

Some helpful resources if you’re looking to adopt a pet:

  • The Humane Society – www.humanesociety.org/resources

  • Petfinder – www.petfinder.com

Some helpful resources for incorporating self-care and your pet:

  • Mindfulness and your dog - https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/mindfulness-andyour-dog

  • Meditation with pets - https://timeqube.com/blog/meditation-withpets/


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