
Black History Month
Sahra Robinson Sahra Robinson

Black History Month

As we observe this month, it feels necessary to acknowledge the immense impact of historical trauma on the Black community. Dr. Joy DeGruy is a social worker and scholar who has studied this legacy of trauma and in 2005 published the theory of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS) (Degruy 2005).

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Dysautonomia Awareness Month
Sahra Robinson Sahra Robinson

Dysautonomia Awareness Month

Imagine, for a second, if you suddenly forgot how to do everything in your life. If every task you attempted to complete was a struggle and a war. That is just one example of what Dysautonomia can feel like.

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Seasonal Transition
Sahra Robinson Sahra Robinson

Seasonal Transition

As we welcome the month of March, we enter the liminal space between the end of winter and start of spring, where hope and hardship are interwoven. The homestretch of winter is a difficult time for many people.

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Dealing with Depression
Wellness Journal Sahra Robinson Wellness Journal Sahra Robinson

Dealing with Depression

Do you or have you felt empty, sad, and very hopeless most of the day every day? Have you noticed yourself or anyone close to you with these symptoms? Is there a loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or being around family members and kids?

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Strength. Courage. Survival.
wellness journal Sahra Robinson wellness journal Sahra Robinson

Strength. Courage. Survival.

It takes strength to be firm, it takes courage to be gentle. It takes strength to conquer, it takes courage to surrender. It takes strength to be certain, it takes courage to have doubt. It takes strength to fit in, it takes courage to stand out.It takes strength to feel a friend's pain, it takes courage to feel your own pain.

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Positive Affirmations.
wellness journal Sahra Robinson wellness journal Sahra Robinson

Positive Affirmations.

Some people say that affirmations don’t work, but the truth is, they just don’t know how to use them correctly. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. You’re using affirmations in every moment—whether you know it or not.

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What Can U Manifest?????
wellness journal Sahra Robinson wellness journal Sahra Robinson

What Can U Manifest?????

The knowledge of Bob Proctor- Pay careful attention to how you feel: Sometimes we are so ready to move forward — to achieve, create, or make a change in our lives — only to find we continue to stand still. We seem to be doing everything right, but something is holding us back.

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