National World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

November 13th marks World Kindness Day.  Kindness involves performing intentional, voluntary acts of kindness; not only when it's easy to be kind, but when it is hard to be.  The inception of this event took place at a 1997 Tokyo-convention at which the World Kindness Movement was formed.  The formation of this movement lead to the creation of World Kindness Day only a year later.  

The intent behind World Kindness Day is to weave together the people and communities of the world by linking them through the common ground of human kindness.  World Kindness Day isn’t only about being kind to others as kindness and compassion toward oneself is equally as important, especially in regard to mental health.  

In light of the pandemic, finding the capacity to be kind to strangers may be difficult for some due to fear, uncertainty, etc.  However, now more than ever is an excellent time to connect with others and remind each other (and ourselves) how strong we are for persevering through life’s toughest struggles.  


World Kindness Day Activities:

  • Perform at least 3 random acts of kindness today:

  • Hold a door for someone, smile, give up your seat for another, compliment somebody.

  • Be kind to yourself!

  • Carve out some time in your busy schedule to do something you enjoy and take a moment to remind yourself of your accomplishments and be grateful for being you!

  • Call your friends and family!

  • Check in on those you haven’t heard from in a while.  Remind them how much they mean to you!



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