September is National Cat Month

Happy Cat Month from all of us at Serenity Zone!

Cats have been seen captured in the art and history of humans since the earliest civilizations and are honored each year in September during National Cat Month in the US. (For those cat fans that need more than one month to celebrate their furry companions, International Cat Day is August 8th and National Cat Day in the US is celebrated on October 29th.)

We have many cat parents here at Serenity Zone and many of us are the caretakers for more than one cat in our home! Just like yours, our cats provide us with companionship and a calming presence throughout the day (except of course during those zoomie bursts of activity!). As with our dog-parent therapists, our cat-parent therapists have shared that their feline companions are also a quintessential part of their own mental health and self-care routines. So, in honor of National Cat Month, we thought we’d share with you some great ways to incorporate your own fur babies into your self-care and coping strategies:

  1. Talk it Out: Nervous about a conversation you need to have or a presentation you’re preparing for? Overwhelmed by everything you need to get done? If your thoughts are starting to overwhelm you, sharing them out loud can be a way of “naming them to tame them”. Cats make great listeners and rarely interrupt you. As long as you’re taking care of their basic care needs – food, water, clean litter, etc. – they aren’t going to judge you. So, share whatever’s on your mind or practice that pitch/conversation on your cat so you can feel more confident about the real thing!

  2. Stretch it Out: For those that spend long stretches of time at a desk or in front of a screen for work or school, it can take quite a toll on our physical and mental health. Cats have really perfected the art of a full body stretch and studies have shown that regular standing/stretch breaks can improve our focus, work quality and overall health. So, take a lesson from your cat! At regular intervals stand up as tall as possible and stretch your arms as far as you can above your head, all the way to your fingertips. Stretch your legs as far as you can so that you’re standing on tip toe. It only takes a minute or two and can do a wonder of good.

  3. Slow it Down: When they’re not sleeping, finding a comfy perch where they can lie and watch the world go by is where we often find our fur balls spending their time. Why not take a page from their playbook and join them for some quiet, reflective noticing? Gaze out the window and focus on the world going on outside. Tune out the thoughts swirling in your brain and just be present in that moment. Even if you live on the quietest of streets there’s sure to be some sort of activity going on – insects buzzing in the grass and flowers, a breeze moving the leaves or grass so slowly you can’t see it unless you look carefully. Taking a few minutes to be simply present can slow your breathing, reduce your blood pressure, and make it easier to focus when it’s time to re-engage with your daily living.

  4. Laugh Breaks – Our pets really do the darndest things. While you can’t plan it, taking a moment to appreciate those silly moments when your pet does something unusual (or gives you a look that “says it all”), can ground you in the present and provide a moment of gratitude to recalibrate your day. So, when those goofy felines in your life do something that tickles your funny bone, enjoy the laugh and take it with you through your day!

Some helpful resources if you’re looking to adopt a pet:


Some helpful resources for incorporating self-care and your pet:


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