National World Kindness Day
November 13th marks World Kindness Day. Kindness involves performing intentional, voluntary acts of kindness; not only when it's easy to be kind, but when it is hard to be. The inception of this event took place at a 1997 Tokyo-convention at which the World Kindness Movement was formed.
National Stress Awareness Day
Stress impacts us both mentally and physically in a significant way. Routine and structure are two key factors in mitigating the impact of stress. The disruption the Covid-19 pandemic has caused in the work environment can have detrimental effects on one’s physical and emotional well-being...
Suicide Awareness
Suicide has always been a heavy topic of discussion with a lot of negative stigma behind it but the mental health field is trying to keep the conversation open for those who might have lost loved ones or even for those thinking about taking their own life.
The Zone’s Gratitude Guide
Change your mind, change your world — isn’t that how the mantra goes? I know myself, and I can vouch that, sometimes, all it takes is one happy thought to turn my frown upside down.
Dealing with Depression
Do you or have you felt empty, sad, and very hopeless most of the day every day? Have you noticed yourself or anyone close to you with these symptoms? Is there a loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or being around family members and kids?
Anxiety… A Real Thing
Let us first understand that it is “normal” for each individual to experience occasional anxiety at some point in their lives. However, other individuals tend to experience certain anxieties that are persistent, seems uncontrollable and overwhelming.
Covid-19 and Your Mental Health
As we all know, we are currently living in unprecedented times. Covid-19, words that are embedded in our brain, as it has been flooding headlines everywhere and overtaken our lives. To most the word “normal” would never be the same again.
One Step at a Time
Increase your Motivation
Are you feeling overwhelmed by tasks and have no motivation to get them done?
Stressed From Being Stuck Inside for so Long?
This is a guest blog post by Nicholas Azzerelli, intern at Serenity Zone. Meditation could be your key to relaxation. Here are some helpful tips to finding your zen: Find a comfortable spot to sit-couch, chair, floor, etc. but not too comfortable, you don’t want to fall asleep!
Lack of Communication
Recent studies show that 42-45% of first marriages end in divorce. Every couple has their own individual set of struggles. However, these issues mostly all circle back to one thing. Lack. Of. Communication. A lack of communication can make small problems seem so…
Living with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a condition that makes us all cringe when we hear about it, right? Imagine being a person that suffers from pain for more than 3 months. We also know there are many conditions that cause chronic pain such as back problems, failed back surgery, arthritis, migraines, and so on. It’s sad but…
Strength. Courage. Survival.
It takes strength to be firm, it takes courage to be gentle. It takes strength to conquer, it takes courage to surrender. It takes strength to be certain, it takes courage to have doubt. It takes strength to fit in, it takes courage to stand out.It takes strength to feel a friend's pain, it takes courage to feel your own pain.
Positive Affirmations.
Some people say that affirmations don’t work, but the truth is, they just don’t know how to use them correctly. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. You’re using affirmations in every moment—whether you know it or not.
What Can U Manifest?????
The knowledge of Bob Proctor- Pay careful attention to how you feel: Sometimes we are so ready to move forward — to achieve, create, or make a change in our lives — only to find we continue to stand still. We seem to be doing everything right, but something is holding us back.
The CHANGE Challenge
The Change Challenge is a 30-day challenge that will transform your mind. It's time for you, to make time for yourself!
Challenge yourself to change and live the life you're meant to.